COVID-19 Emergency | Tema Sinergie Statement

23 March 2020

In this tragic time, we hold paramount to express our support to victims, their families and whoever in this moment is facing this emergency on the front line: doctors, nurses, institutions and volunteers.




We’re currently facing an unprecedented occurrence, each and everyone of us is involved and has the responsibility to take all of the necessary precautions to avoid spreading the virus.

A different kind of responsibility is resting on the companies, for them to keep granting services and commodities, and Tema Sinergie has the duty to go on due to its partnership with healthcare and research agencies.

We’ll do our best to keep up our continuity, rest assured we comply to our country ministerial directives, cutting down the impact that this pandemic can have on our employees, suppliers and customers.

We are currently following the “Safety protocol for companies” which was endorsed by trade unions and enterprises in agreement with the Italian government.

Moreover, in order to keep working in this extraordinary situation, we have rearranged our offices as follows:


  • Awareness and Prevention

    We periodically send information and updates to all of the internal staff, to keep the focus on the basic hygiene and safety measures, and provide all of the necessary individual protection devices (DPI) according to the relevant tasks.


  • Smart Working

    We’ve been narrowing down the number of on-site presences by encouraging a smart-working plan for most of our personnel, whom will nevertheless stay 100% operative from home.


  • Customer Care and Installations

    We’re unfortunately not allowed undertaking business trips right now, although our customer care service is 100% operational to support our customers and partners through remote assistance.


  • Shipments

    Our warehouse is currently fully operational in shipping and receiving products, components, and disposables. Of course a constant dialogue with forwarding agents and customs is maintained in order to find alternative solutions in case of problems during the transit of any good.


  • External Monitoring

    We’re constantly collaborating with all of our partners and suppliers, so to face in advance any possible pandemic-related delay in the delivery of goods.


  • Distanced Meetings

    We’re cutting down any internal face-to-face meeting, making room for distanced discussions through digital resources and clients. The very same process is presently used for presentation speeches and product demo sessions to our customers, from both our sales team and product specialists.


For details

Posted in Corporate
C.F., P.IVA, VATn. IT00970310397
Business Register of Ravenna n. 00970310397  |  R.E.A. 111877
RAEE IT08020000002755
Capital Stock € 2,000,140.08 paid-up