Continuous Liner System

Continuous Liner System

Suitable for contained discharging operations of any kinds of materials, such as filters, bags, bottles etc.

The 200mm port is made of stainless steel AISI 316L, and it’s completed with endless sleeves made of plastic material for a safe and effective transfer operation. A 300mm port is also available alternatively.

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  • Barrier Isolation Technology Brochure

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The internal door is sealed with an inflatable seal made of FDA approved EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer).
According to the configuration of the isolator system, the continuous liner can be mounted on a side flange (recommended position), but also on the working plane of the isolator itself.

Reg. Impr. di RA, C.F., P.IVA, VATn. IT00970310397
Iscr. Reg. Imprese di Ravenna n. 00970310397  |  R.E.A. 111877
RAEE IT08020000002755
Capitale Sociale € 2.000.140,08 int. vers.