ON-LINE Adaptive

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Mozi is not only the TPS with the highest level of automation of dose optimization process, but it is also the only system able to bring Adaptive into daily clinical practice, for all treatment fractions, thanks to its performances and functionality in terms of accuracy, versatility, completeness and speed that are, literally, unbeatable!

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The ON-LINE Adaptive Workflow

Thanks to its technology based on AI and latest-generation algorithms, Mozi can perform all the steps fully automatically in a few minutes:

  1. Acquisition of CBCT or MR(*) images and derivation of synthetic CT
  2. Re-contouring
  3. Re-planning


(*) Mozi is able to calculate in an autonomous and integrated way the synthetic CT, not only from CBCT, but also from MR images. Therefore, it allows on-line Adaptive also with MR-Linac.
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AI-elevated Automation

Artificial intelligence is a key element of Mozi, which provides an extreme level of automation for dose distribution optimization, but also a greater level of treatment personalization to the specific patient thanks to the a priori dose distribution prediction, based on deep learning algorithms.

Deep learning models are validated and released within the new system releases, based on standard treatment protocols. However, as an exclusive Mozi feature, these models can also be adapted by the user based on their own protocols and clinical cases, thanks to the integration with the AccuLearning module.


AccuLearning Integration

AccuLearning provides personalized and interactive training of deep learning models.

It can be used to provide data to AI to customize models for automatic planning.

AI Training Research Platform

  • AI Contour Model Training (CT/MR)
  • Image Conversion Model Training
  • Dose Distribution Model Training
  • TCP/NTCP Model Training
Note: no experience or knowledge of computer programming languages ​​is required to use AccuLeaning.
C.F., P.IVA, VATn. IT00970310397
Business Register of Ravenna n. 00970310397  |  R.E.A. 111877
RAEE IT08020000002755
Capital Stock € 2,000,140.08 paid-up