
Class II Biohazard Safety Cabinet

SAFEFLOW is a Class II biohazard safety cabinets with a GMP grade A laminar flow, with different shielding configurations; it is designed for the manual preparation of Nuclear Medicine radiopharmaceuticals injectable doses.

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  • Safeflow Brochure

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It is available in different shielding configurations (from 5 to 50 mm Pb). It is provided also with shielded dose calibrator and waste compartments. Optional dispenser Mod.uDDS-A can be installed inside.


It is available in two Safeflow dimension types: standard and large . Generator compartment with extractable automatic lift for two independent 99mTc generators


Radioprotection is granted by high purity lead sheets all around the cabinet, together with the frontal sliding lead glass window. The lead sheet, all around the working area, are overlapped in the contact sides in order to ensure the radioprotection continuity: hence any possible radiation leakage through the shielding structure is avoided.

Sterility is achieved through the Laminar Flow over the complete working area and the use of optional U.V. antibacterial lamp. The high purity level of the air, GMP grade A, guarantees the product sterility.

Safety had been considered as the primary factor in the design of this cabinet. Consistent with this, an alarm condition will be indicated in any potentially dangerous situation. All alarm/warning events will be displayed on the LCD as text messages.
Ergonomics grant the complete access to the working area and the possibility to work in sitting position (with a stool). Easy operations for cleanliness and maintenance.

C.F., P.IVA, VATn. IT00970310397
Business Register of Ravenna n. 00970310397  |  R.E.A. 111877
RAEE IT08020000002755
Capital Stock € 2,000,140.08 paid-up