Patients in Valtellina get a new PET diagnostic service with KARL100 and Rad-Inject

16 March 2021

A completely refurbished Nuclear Medicine department is hosting state-of-the-art equipment including our automated dose administration system for 18F-FDG formulas.



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After the recent installation in the Netherlands, KARL100 and Rad-Inject are gaining altitude today, and bring us to Presidio Ospedaliero di Sondrio della ASST Valtellina e Alto Lario where a brand new PET diagnostic service was recently kicked off, for the locals to benefit, since they will no longer need to drive long distances to take advantage of this kind of essential examination.

For the last year, the Nuclear Medicine Team at Ospedale di Sondrio has worked on a proper department renovation project (with the coordination of Andrea Mantovani), in order to offer a quick and accurate diagnostic and therapeutic service to the residents of the whole province, by providing state-of-the-art technologies.

Currently available systems also count our mobile radiopharmaceutical dispensing system KARL100, which will daily be used for the automatic preparation of 18F-FDG, and the Rad-Inject injector. Their speed and precision will certainly be crucial features for the department activities, which is expected to be soon managing some relevant figures.

The goal of the Nuclear Medicine Team, consisting of three engineers and two nuclear physicians, is in fact to answer the increasing needs of the whole province of Sondrio, and its neighbours. The tally has started as soon as the bookings were open, and the first patients underwent PET examinations.

We are proud of contributing to a project that, in our opinion, is bound to make a difference for the residents of Valtellina.

For details

Posted in Nuclear Medicine
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