Remote FAT: closer to our customers

28 August 2020

Tema Sinergie strenghtens its Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) remote activity to improve its service in flexibility, ease and cost-effectiveness.

The new Remote Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) process was launched by Tema Sinergie with a 5-day test, totalling approximately 40 hours of live stream.

This upgrade is going to improve the efficiency of our remote validation services even further, since it embraces brand new flexible and customizable digital solutions which let our customer actively partake in all of the validation activities directly from their office, while they are usually performed in-house. Such different digital experience allows us to be even closer to our customers.



Customer benefits

FAT activities used to be inevitably bound to the production facilities. Today, new technologies have started a concrete revolution which requires a change of attitude while bringing remarkable benefits.

First of all our customers are given the certainty to means for their projects and delivery times to be fulfilled in spite of all of the COVID-19 related restrictions.

And there’s more: these new solutions also make up for a sustainable alternative which significantly make FAT-related activities easier and more quick. Virtual processes won’t require the customers to embark on long business trips and take logistic and bureaucratic risks – such as international visa requests – upon themselves, hence unquestionably cutting on expenses.

A remote FAT also means higher traceability, since the whole process is both live streamed and recorded for the file to be stored and possibly checked if needed.


How this works

Tema Sinergie built a proper digital bridge dedicated to the remote FAT, for the customer to be brought over to the production site, ignoring all geographical distances.

This is based on a streaming platform connecting all of the involved offices and the production area, with a great deal of interaction flexibility inbetween all of the participants.

A digital direction based on one or more HQ cameras allows the customers to preside over the whole test routine with the highest video quality, and of course check the validation documentation out live.

In closing, the simultaneous interaction between the FAT supervisor and the staff is granted by an audio network with microphones and wireless headphones.



For details

C.F., P.IVA, VATn. IT00970310397
Business Register of Ravenna n. 00970310397  |  R.E.A. 111877
RAEE IT08020000002755
Capital Stock € 2,000,140.08 paid-up